“For the Community, from the Community with Love” was a collaborative project between CCATE and Ursinus College students that worked to tackle food insecurity in Norristown, an issue that worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Author Archives: Obed Arango Hisijara
Christy Arango Kautz was born in Mexico City, however at early age she moved with her family to Philadelphia Area, as a mexican immigrant she remembers at early age celebrating Mexican Independence day in Pennslanding, marching for the immigration reform in Philadelphia and in Washington D.C., going for tacos to Mexican taqueria “Mexico Lindo” in Norristown, going to the stadium to cheer for Mexico in the finals of Copa de Oro, and visiting her grand parents and family in Mexico whenever the opportunity came up. She started to collaborate at CCATE when she was in high school, a place where she has been able to grow into many positions.
As a sophomore at Villanova University, Jessica Sardina enrolled in an ESL class with an attached service component. It was through this class that Jessica was introduced to the CCATE community through weekly visits to the organization in Norristown
Por: David Rendon-Garcia / Traducido por Obed Arango Los crímenes de odio contra AAPI (asiático-americanos e isleños del Pacífico) han aumentado desde que la pandemia de COVID-19 afectó drásticamente todas nuestras vidas. Durante el transcurso del 19 de marzo de 2020 al 28 de febrero de 2021, ha habido un total de 3.795 incidentes de […]
During the course of March 19, 2020, to February 28, 2021, there have been a total of 3,795 hate incidents directed towards AAPI. Although it may seem like these hate crimes have “come out of nowhere”, they stem from xenophobia, white supremacy, and the model minority myth.